Pocket Stashers Reviews

Pocket Stashers
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1 review on Trustmeter

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Consumer Complaints and Reviews

4th Jun 2017
There is no communication after your purchase. You can contact them but to no avail. I made a purchase and couldn't even get a response from them as to when the order will arrive. This is important because a signature required option was selected so that I can assure that the order would arrive as well as actually signing for the package. The only thing I received from them was a receipt debiting my account. I was really excited to make the purchase initially. Now, I sincerely regret the time and effort it took to research and to trust that the vendor was legit. I have filed a claim with my bank and with amazon pay. Thank goodness that Amazon recognized that I should've received a response from the company and was willing to handle the claim immediately. Trust me people, POCKETSTASHERS are a complete rip off. And if you read their return/ exchange policy, youll cringe. I'm sure there are more reputable companies out there who know and understand the fundamentals of customer service as well as the power of an honest review.

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Pocket Stashers is ranked 37 out of 44 in the category

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