Adult Products India Reviews

Adult Products India
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Consumer Complaints and Reviews

26th Apr 2024
I did not receive the product I had ordered instead I got a very cheap product, and when when I asked them to get the product I wanted they keep saying will update me and will get a new delivery date till now I have not received any update and they are very slow in responding and take too much time. It's been a week since I got my wrong product. Bad company, worse customer care service, never ever order from this scam website
22nd Apr 2022
Why they are giving cheap prices, 3 times lower than other websites, is because these guys are selling counterfeit/first copy products to their customers, I won't recommend using unbranded first copy products because you would be using them on your private parts and i won't recommend it, seriously might be not a very good option, beware And it's illegal to sell counterfeit/ first copy products, It's a form of trademark infringement of the Original Company Brand "Fleshlight", what these guys are doing isn't legal, think! cheap prices are the Redflag I bought the Fleshlight Stoya, Original Branded One has their patented material "Realistic feel SuperSkin" but what these guys show on their website is ABS plastic/Thermoplastic Elastomer, it's a second redflag and obvious one it being a fake product, and the customer service assistant when i confirmed with her she told that it's silicone, and they themselves then confessed that they are selling first copy products, and they don't even disclose it on their website, it's again a violation and though selling of counterfeit products is illegal though, the customer care staff don't have any clue about their products... ,i am frustrated and disappointed , my money went down in vain, You are spending money in thousands, report this e-commerce and contact the original brand about the fraud they are doing under their brand name and raise a complaint under consumer protection act,,, Let's create a secure consumer space for us and our fellow consumers by reporting and raising complaints on fraud bussiness
28th Oct 2021
I purchased fleshlight from . They maintain quality also send me surprise gift
25th Oct 2020
Delivery very fast with 💯 privacy . I like their pocket ***** product.
15th Oct 2018
Adult Products offers sex toys in India for men & women. Purchase online adult sex toys at online adult product store. We sell masturbator toys, dildos, vibrators, sexy lingerie, lotions, condoms, sex accessories and bondage!
15th Oct 2018
Adult Products offers sex toys in India for men & women. Purchase online adult sex toys at online adult product store. We sell masturbator toys, dildos, vibrators, sexy lingerie, lotions, condoms, sex accessories and bondage!

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Adult Products India

Adult Products in India - offering sex toys for men & women. Shop fleshlight masturbators, dildos, vibrators, penis sleeves, cock rings, sex accessories!

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