Amsons Reviews

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Consumer Complaints and Reviews

12th May 2020
My husband bought some attar over the fragrance counter and the owner said he would bag this up behind the counter at the till. My husband paid for this item but failed to check the contents of the bag to see if it was there. By the time we had got to our intended destination he had realised the item in question had not been bagged but was paid for. We rang up the store but got very little cooperation, so my husband and I took a visit the next day and explained the situation to the owner who by the way was extremely rude and fobbed us off. I would avoid these people and their business at all cost. I will be reporting them also to Trading Standards for their dishonest practice.
25th Dec 2017
For an Islamic store - clearly the people behind the counters lack Islamic values and principles of being polite to people- is customers. Exteremely poor customer service, I would recommend the Owners to invest in genuine customer service training.
14th May 2017
I visited amsons today. By mistake dropped a dummy. The staff started giving rude comments. I couldn't utter a word. I was shoked and tgis impression gave me stress. Staff was very very rude and i would not like to visit such ppl again.

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Amsons is ranked 38 out of 42 in the category Fashion Accessories

Amsons is ranked 161 out of 185 in the category

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