Animalife Reviews

Very Good
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Consumer Complaints and Reviews

21st Apr 2017
I saved so much money by hiring this company I would recommend them to anyone.
3rd Apr 2017
Better services for your horse.

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Animalife’s commitment to scientific research and discovery has affirmed our position as a market-leader in innovation. Furthermore, we have taken on a commitment to nature, as we feel it is important to think about the long-term effects of scientific research. We work with responsible partners who care about the environment and are committed to the principles of biodiversity and sustainible production methods. 

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0121 296 9900

We live here

Unit 10 B, Parc Caer Seion, LL32 8FA, Conwy, LL32 8FA


United Kingdom


Animalife is ranked 16 out of 45 in the category Pets

Animalife is ranked 4 out of 7 in the category

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