Avonbridge Caravan Repairs Reviews

Avonbridge Caravan Repairs
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Consumer Complaints and Reviews

4th Jun 2017
An attempted break in of my habitation door left the handle snapped and broken. Calling in at Avonbridge 'on spec' and asking if they could help. Carl from the workshop helped and managed to get the door closed and secure at no cost. Enquiring if they could repair the door and fix a grab handle for extra security. Carl took all our details and photographs and said Andrew would be in touch. Andrew managed to source the door parts from Germany and recently fitted. A new door would have cost £1200 but the new parts only £300. Avon bridge have kept us informed at all stages of procurement, fitting and costs. They have been superb, professional and customer focused. Thank you Avonbridge for a wonderful Job and getting us up and running again.

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Avonbridge Caravan Repairs

Caravan and motorhome repairs in Fordingbridge, Hampshire includes servicing, refurbishments, fridge and gas appliance repairs and mobile repairs service.

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01425 654 353

We live here

5 Old Brickyard Rd, Sandleheath, Fordingbridge SP6 1PA, Fordingbridge , SP6 1PA


United Kingdom


Avonbridge Caravan Repairs is ranked 9 out of 45 in the category

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