bellaspa Reviews

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Consumer Complaints and Reviews

12th Jul 2022
Great spa salon in Dubai. Was on a business trip for 3 months. Constant pressure, lots of work. Once every couple of weeks it turned out to go for a massage at Bella Spa. Excellent massage therapists, quiet and peaceful place, beautiful and cozy. I wanted to go there more often, but there was no time. Who lives or on vacation in Dubai - I definitely recommend visiting.
5th Jul 2022
So amazing Spa in Dubai! Very ozy, quiet and comfortable place. Very relaxing massage for all body. Great massage and nice lady. The entire staff is very welcoming and friendly. Exactly what you need for relaxation and tranquility.

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Professional massage service in Dubai, Tecom. Russian and European massage therapists. Swedish, Hot Stone, Aromatherapy, Lomi Lomi, Deep Tissue massage Barsha Heights.

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