Bike Wear Direct Reviews

Bike Wear Direct
Very Good
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3 reviews on Trustmeter

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Consumer Complaints and Reviews

16th Apr 2020
Okay I spent about two weeks deciding on the jacket and I read many reviews regards to this texspeed jacket and many similar products initially but this one came up most favoured. My top ten were 1, Price was in my opinion very acceptable 2, Guaranteed for 6 mths 3, Armour and postage included 4, Arrival 1 day early by yodel 5,Fit sizing was bang on get your size don't worry about upsisizing 6, Quality leather and good stitching 7, Genuine YKK zips 8,storm flap behind main zip & neoprene collar 9,Well lined 10,Looks fantastic and much more expensive
27th Apr 2017
Very happy with my experience.
10th Apr 2017
Good products, but very slow delivery.

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Bike Wear Direct

Bike Wear Direct are a major provider of quality discounted motorcycle apparel. With all our products being CE approved, and of the best quality, at the lowest prices.

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07877 32 42 62

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182 Nottingham Road, NG7 7BA, Nottingham, NG7 7BA


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Bike Wear Direct is ranked 1 out of 6 in the category

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