Black Pearl Clothing Reviews

Black Pearl Clothing
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Consumer Complaints and Reviews

10th Jun 2017
Absolutely shocked by the Manager here. The Black Pearl was one of favourite shops, not anymore. Having spent hundreds of pounds over the years, bought for friends and family and recommended to lots of people, I am disgusted by their lack of respect and service when you actually need help. I bought a pair of trousers a week ago, wore them once then put in a cold hand wash in the washing machine with other items of black pearl clothing. All the clothing came out fine, apart from the trousers that had shrunk. I took them back expecting an exchange, but was confronted by a torrent of abuse - the Manager immediately got his back up, telling me it was my fault, my machine must be broken and he can't help. He held up my trousers saying ' what am I meant to do with these?!' - when I said so you can't you can't me at all? He suggested I buy something for discount. He kept on interrupting amd not listening to anything i had to say. My partner and I have worked in retail and customer service for many years and have never treated anyone like this. He said 'good for you' when we said this, and then when we said he unfortunately has lost some loyal customers he said 'oh well have a nice day' . I cannot believe the attitude of this Man, I'm so upset and most of all disappointed - what ever happened to help your fellow man? This really is what's wrong with the world today. All I wanted was a one off help, and I'd have carried on being a happy customer recommending the shop to all, but instead he's lost a very loyal customer, and will be telling this shocking story to all. I will be in touch with trading standards - he clearly does live up to his pirate title. You should be ashamed.

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(01273) 622 282

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25 Kensington Gardens, Brighton BN1 4AL, Brighton, BN1 4AL


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Black Pearl Clothing is ranked 39 out of 39 in the category Printed Clothing

Black Pearl Clothing is ranked 169 out of 185 in the category

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