Book Your Motorcycle Test Online Reviews

Book Your Motorcycle Test Online
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4 reviews on Trustmeter

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Consumer Complaints and Reviews

6th Nov 2023
Scam scam scam you have been warned
27th Apr 2023
Booked and paid for test £97 not heard anything since and no contact numbers available Didn’t even get confirmation Tony
6th May 2021
Took my money but website is totally flaky and no booking went ahead. Plus, you can order direct from for half the price. Clearly a scam, which sadly I fell for.
16th May 2017
This company will take money from your card not tell you how much and then not answer any queries that you have. Beware when using this firm as it is quite possible for you to lose your payments. I recommend you book direct

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Book Your Motorcycle Test Online

A great place to find motorcycle theory, dsa motorbike theory test, motorcycle theory test centre, book your motorbike theory test, motorcycle theory test booking, bike theory test, motorcycle theory test, theory test for motorcyclists, book bike theory test

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