Bulb Reviews

Very Good
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4 reviews on Trustmeter

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Consumer Complaints and Reviews

24th May 2017
Wonderful experience so far. It took less than 4 weeks to move and everything was so straightforward. I hated trying to get Scottish Power for anything but these guys seem to be easy to speak to and very helpful. This is affordable renewable energy that ticks all the right boxes for me. Plus NO EXIT FEES :-) If you would like to use my link please do so for your £50 credit added to your account. Makes it even cheaper. https: //
25th Apr 2017
These guys are going in my address book - they will be the only ones I call from now on!
8th Mar 2017
Changing to Bulb was a wonderful decision! They are much cheaper than the suppliers I've used so far.
8th Mar 2017
I've been using their services for a few months now and I have to say I'm really pleased with the customer service and the fair prices. It was easy to sign up to Bulb and I actually saved lots of money on my bills during these months. Tracking my usage online is a very convenient option!

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0300 30 30 635

We live here

155 Bishopsgate, London, EC2M 3TQ, London, EC2M 3TQ


United Kingdom


Bulb is ranked 15 out of 44 in the category Electrician

Bulb is ranked 5 out of 18 in the category Gas Installation

Bulb is ranked 10 out of 51 in the category

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