Chengs Brother Reviews

Chengs Brother
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Consumer Complaints and Reviews

7th Nov 2018
Ordered my meal at just gone 5 pm to be delivered 6.15 pm 7/11/2018. Very disappointed as food not delivered despite my chasing them three times and them telling me only another ten minutes each time. This happened three times. I got in touch with Just eat who were amazing and they got in touch with Chengs only to be told the same. I cancelled order at 7.50 pm. Will not use this takeaway again. Do not like the way they kept saying ten minutes when they obviously knew this was incorrect.

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+44 1245 287136

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102 Kings Road, Chelmsford, CM1 2BB, Chelmsford, CM1 2BB


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Chengs Brother is ranked 29 out of 30 in the category

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