Cool Blades Reviews

Cool Blades
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2 reviews on Trustmeter

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Consumer Complaints and Reviews

8th Sep 2023
Ordered a few comb attachments. After 5 days I got an email to say my order was cancelled. I contacted them to be told they were missing address information. They sent the package a few days later. After waiting almost 3 weeks and no package, I checked with DPD and found out that they delivered the package to the wrong country!!!!! I contacted them by phone, spoke to a very unapologetic lady who was unable to sort out the issue. Asked for a refund, and I am still waiting on my refund. Do not use this company, they are useless. Update: almost two months after I ordered the combs, they arrived in Bangkok. I paid the import duty yesterday. However, the courier contacted me today to let me know that Coolblades had requested that the package be returned back to London. After all they put me through. What an absolute ***** company. DO NOT USE THIS USELESS COMPANY!!!!!!
29th Mar 2017
Great service and products!

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Cool Blades

Hair, beauty & nail supplies & all salon equipment for stylists, beauticians, students & salon owners. Including hair scissors, clippers & college kits.

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Unit 3, Wyre Court, Bracewell Avenue; FY6 8JF, Poulton-le-Fylde, FY6 8JF


United Kingdom


Cool Blades is ranked 7 out of 12 in the category

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