Dukeshill Ham Co Ltd. Reviews

Dukeshill Ham Co Ltd.
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2 reviews on Trustmeter

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Consumer Complaints and Reviews

20th Dec 2023
Almost certainly the most contemptuous and uncompassionate service provider I have ever had the misfortune to place an order with. I order a luxury hamper to be delivered to my ageing and ailing parents on their return to the UK. However, before returning my father was diagnosed with skin cancer and has had to remain outside the country for emergency treatment. The outcome of which is not at all certain. I contacted the company for assistance in diverting, postponing or cancelling the delivery as my parents live in a fairly remote area with few neighbours, and a full days drive away from me. All I received was an apologetic fob off and extracts from their November/December delivery policy of “no amendments”. Not even on compassionate grounds. Time and time again I contacted them to get the same lack of customer service or interest. It would be for me to try and head off their delivery company - if I could! But no, their delivery company are today proud to tell me that my parents refuse bins have accepted the hamper. There it will remain, to rot away, until my parents can extricate themselves from hospital and return to the UK. Happy Xmas “Dukeshill” you really know how to make a very emotionally upsetting festive time - that much worse.
18th May 2017
Everyone should be aware that this company is a sham. I swear these people mess things up just so that they can charge you more money. Called to speak with a manager and was told he was on vacation. Did not get issue resolved. So save your money. Do not make the same mistake.

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Dukeshill Ham Co Ltd.

Dukeshill produce traditional cooked & uncooked hams. We are also produce the best sausages, bacon & gammon. Shop online now.

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+44 1952 607770

We live here

Lodge Park, Hortonwood 30, Telford, TF1 7ET, Telford, TF1 7ET


United Kingdom


Dukeshill Ham Co Ltd. is ranked 14 out of 30 in the category

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