Easy Irrigation Reviews

Easy Irrigation
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1 review on Trustmeter

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Consumer Complaints and Reviews

18th May 2017
As I was waiting for a shipment to arrive from an online service one day, boredom overtook me. I looked around for another online service selling the same item, ordered it and timed it to see how long it took for both to arrive. When I notified the first service that the second online service had won the contest, the reaction was dead silence. I guess I won’t be ordering from that one anymore.

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Easy Irrigation

Easy Irrigation : - Watering Controls Micro Irrigation Lawn Sprinklers Water Pumps Water Storage Pipe & Fittings Large Area Watering Greenhouse Watering Labour Charge Hoses and Fittings Landscape Watering watering equipment, irrigation, watering products

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0118 9736905

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Unit 5 Hogwood Farm Industrial Estate Sheerlands Road Finchampstead RG40 4QY, Finchampstead , RG40 4QY


United Kingdom


Easy Irrigation is ranked 29 out of 39 in the category

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