Electro Market Reviews

Electro Market
Very Good
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Consumer Complaints and Reviews

11th Apr 2022
Ordered at 7pm and received it next day. Can't believe how quickly it came. Would defiantly order from them again
4th Dec 2021
I ordered one of the dj set up and from day one Notting but problems the cdj does not connect to a computer and even when I am making this point the customer service is still telling me it can connect any eventually I return the cdj and I ordered a amplifier I was told the amplifier will be delivered on the Friday I took the day off work to receive my delivery it was not delivered called eletro market to let them know its now the Saturday and still no delivery this is atrocious behaviour as I lost the gig I was supposed to play I have already seeking legal action for lost of earnings disgusting
18th Oct 2017
The sales guys really helped me get what I needed. I was going to buy something online but they told me to pop into the store so I could hear what I was about to buy. I was so glad I did because it wasn't what I needed. They showed me some other products and I brought the speakers I needed. I will be back!
11th Apr 2017

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Electro Market is ranked 13 out of 51 in the category

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