Exercise Reviews

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Consumer Complaints and Reviews

14th May 2020
Absolutely shocking service. Business took over two weeks to collect returned item, and I had to do all the liaising with DHL to arrange it. It has now been over a month, and I have not received my refund despite being fobbed off by an unresponsive customer service staff with excuses. I will be pursuing this now through a small claims court.
27th Apr 2020
Wouldn't recommend at all. I ordered a multigym four weeks ago which hasn't arrived and they do not respond to emails or phone calls. I feel nowi have lost £550 which isn't great at all. I cant afford to purchase a gym from other companies that have stock as haven't refunded.
27th Apr 2017
Please don’t ever go out of business!
10th Apr 2017
Normal products, very slow delivery

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0345 1666 200

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Unit 32 Priory Tec Park, Saxon Way, Hessle, HU13 9PB, Hessle, HU13 9PB


United Kingdom


Exercise is ranked 96 out of 120 in the category Fitness & Nutrition

Exercise is ranked 6 out of 12 in the category

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