Express Kebab Ipswich Reviews

Express Kebab Ipswich
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2 reviews on Trustmeter

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Consumer Complaints and Reviews

12th May 2017
After booking their service, I haven’t had a single problem.
11th May 2017
Really surprised as normally good but this has just put me right off , turned up late, chips not cooked stone cold and my meat was the same , terrible food terrible service

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Express Kebab Ipswich

Express kebab, is a takeaway based in Ipswich, Ipswich. offer great tasting currys, pizzas, burgers, Kebabs and Southern Fried Chicken. Order online at Express kebab Ipswich,Ipswich

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01473 222 220

We live here

15 Tye Road, Ipswich, Ipswich, IP3 0FJ, Ipswich, IP3 0FJ


United Kingdom


Express Kebab Ipswich is ranked 23 out of 30 in the category

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