Forever Crystal Reviews

Forever Crystal
from 0 to 10
1 review on Trustmeter

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Consumer Complaints and Reviews

27th Mar 2017
I cannot express enough gratitude. I usually do not bother to write reviews, but these people were just so giving and carefully considered each and every one of my requests. I honestly don't know what I would have done without them. Most excellent service, I am quite happy with the results.

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Forever Crystal

We offer a stunning collection of crystal glassware from everyday wine glasses to engraved crystal decanter gift sets, beautiful contemporary champagne glasses to beer tankard giftware

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01773 820 287

We live here

12 Lancaster Rise Belper, Derbyshire DE56 1HF, Belper, DE56 1HF


United Kingdom


Forever Crystal is ranked 2 out of 11 in the category Glazier

Forever Crystal is ranked 1 out of 44 in the category

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