Garden Buildings Direct Reviews

Garden Buildings Direct
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Consumer Complaints and Reviews

27th May 2017
I recently purchased on-line a summerhouse for me garden the summer house is itself of reasonable quality for the price paid, the delivery was excellant and the delivery driver was helpfull and curtious, the problem started when I discovered on inspection that two pieces were damaged and unuseable, to cut a long story short I spent around 7 hours on the phone over a two and a half week period in an effort to get the parts replaced. , it was extremely frustrating as no one seemed to have a clue. there plenty of excuses and and understand but no action to replace the parts was forth coming, nearly three weeks and still wait. Ihave been lied to on several occasions but nothing seems to get to my door. wish now I had used another company for my needs, very dissapointed in

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Garden Buildings Direct

Huge selection of Garden Storage Buildings at factory Direct Pricing. Choose from Garden Sheds, Log Cabins, Summer houses, Greenhouses, Playhouses, workshops & more. ✓Fast & Free Delivery ✓Low Prices!

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01909 768858

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Dukeries Industrial Estate, Claylands Avenue Worksop S81 7BQ , Worksop, S81 7BQ


United Kingdom


Garden Buildings Direct is ranked 24 out of 39 in the category

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