Habit Rehabilitation Reviews

Habit Rehabilitation
from 0 to 10
1 review on Trustmeter

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Consumer Complaints and Reviews

7th Jun 2017
Quality rehab care llc is a rehabilitation center that really cares about their patients and promotes rehabilitation excellence. The staff is very professional and courteous, also goes above and beyond to ensure patient success.

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Habit Rehabilitation

From physiotherapy to speech language therapy, Habit Rehabilitation provide Assessment, Treatment and Rehabilitation for people across the age spectrum following injuries, health conditions and disabilities.

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0800 557 556

We live here

50 Harris Rd Teast Tamaki, Auckland 2013 New Zealand, Auckland, 2013


New Zealand


Habit Rehabilitation is ranked 4 out of 58 in the category Private Hospitals

Habit Rehabilitation is ranked 2 out of 13 in the category

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