Helmetcity Reviews

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Consumer Complaints and Reviews

17th May 2017
The service that I received was unprofessional from the very first call. The workers did not have any idea what they were doing. Nothing was done correctly. Orders mixed up time and time again. Rude staff when I had to correct something that was done wrong on their end. I would expect this from a brand new company but not from one that has been in business as long as this one. And the professionalism went from the employees all the way to top management.

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Welcome to, your one stop shop for all Motorcycle Helmets, Clothing and Accessories. The staff here at Ltd are all Motorcyclists and have combined riding experience of well over 100 years! Having been riding for such a long time, we pride ourselves in being able to offer advice and assistance based on personal experience. From Touring to commuting we've all done it at some point so feel free to give us a call if you need help!

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65 Wingletye Lane, Hornchurch, Essex. RM11 3AT, Hornchurch, Essex, RM11 3AT


United Kingdom


Helmetcity is ranked 8 out of 8 in the category

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