Holiday Park Specials Reviews

Holiday Park Specials
Very Good
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3 reviews on Trustmeter

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Consumer Complaints and Reviews

25th Apr 2017
I half expected this was going to require a few calls to arrange everything. I'm a happy customer!
8th Mar 2017
We just booked our holiday with Holiday Park Specials and to be honest we were really surprised how simple it was. It didn't take much time and effort.
8th Mar 2017
So easy to find what you want on their website. The selection of parks is just great. It is made easy to book accommodation too. Very convenient service! I can't wait for my vacation to start!

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Kennemerplein 16 2011 MJ Haarlem, Haarlem, 2011 MJ




Holiday Park Specials is ranked 3 out of 12 in the category

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