hookahmarket Reviews

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Consumer Complaints and Reviews

17th Jun 2024
I recently purchased cigars from Hookah Market Abu Dhabi and had a fantastic experience. The store boasts an impressive selection of high-quality cigars, making it easy to find exactly what I was looking for. The staff was incredibly knowledgeable and guided me through the various options, ensuring I chose the perfect cigars for my taste. The customer service was exceptional, both in-store and online. I appreciated the detailed product descriptions and high-quality images on their website, which made the online shopping process smooth and hassle-free. I opted for delivery, and my order arrived quickly and was well-packaged to ensure the cigars were in perfect condition. The cigars I purchased exceeded my expectations in terms of flavor and quality. The recommendations provided by the staff have made my smoking experience truly enjoyable. Overall, I am extremely satisfied with my purchase and highly recommend Hookah Market Abu Dhabi for anyone seeking premium cigars and excellent service.
25th Jan 2022
They have very quality hookahs and accessories from Russia! Thank you for this amazing chose in our city!
19th Jan 2022
If you are looking for a hookah shop in Dubai, you are not alone. There are many different places where you can buy smoking accessories for tobacco products. However, the place that specializes in a wide variety of products is HookahMarket Russian Shisha. This store stocks hundreds of different brands of hookahs and accessories and different types of tobacco. This hookah store also sells authentic vape pods and devices. Located in the Al Barsha 1 area, it is easily accessible from all major areas of the city.

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Best Russian Shisha brands in Dubai and the UAE. Buy quality Russian hookahs, shisha heads and accessories at HookahMarket online Store.

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