Jam Restaurants Reviews

Jam Restaurants
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Consumer Complaints and Reviews

15th Jun 2017
went to Liverpool yesterday and took a non coeliac friend to lunch at Jam in Sir Thomas Street. I have been there before, but this time ,unusually, we were the only ones there. in spite of this, we were looked after really well. the chef went out of his way to make a special salad for my friend (it was not on the menu, but he was happy to do so). the food was wonderful and the whole experience was lovely. I urge people to go there, they are missing a treat!!

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Jam Restaurants

Jam Restaurant in Liverpool serves the perfect Afternoon Tea Daily, along with a fantastic Brunch and Dinner Menu, hand crafted cocktails and great Sunday Roast

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0151 306 2567

We live here

7-11 Sir Thomas Street, (next to the MetQuarter) Liverpool L1 6BW, Liverpool , L1 6BW


United Kingdom


Jam Restaurants is ranked 15 out of 79 in the category

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