Just Property Hastings Reviews

Just Property Hastings
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Consumer Complaints and Reviews

8th May 2017
Truly first class service, it just don't get better, and I should know I have had more than my fair share of selling properties. I you want an estate agents who are not going to undervalue your property for a quick sale, or any of the other strokes some estate agents pull, then these guys are as professional and as strait as you get. Massive thanks for for selling my property and getting me the best deal.

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Just Property Hastings

At Just Property we continue to provide a personal, professional and reliable service which is dedicated to Old Town Hastings and all the villages located between the historic 1066 towns of Rye & Hastings

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01424 444100

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55 Waites Lane, Fairlight, TN35 4AX, Fairlight, TN35 4AX


United Kingdom


Just Property Hastings is ranked 2 out of 29 in the category

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