Luiza Sato Vila Mariana Reviews

Luiza Sato Vila Mariana
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2 reviews on Trustmeter

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Consumer Complaints and Reviews

14th Jun 2017
Everytime I go to São Paulo, I try to spend some time there. The staff is awsome and the oriental atmosphere is cool.
14th Jun 2017
Have tried shiatsu massage at this place to relieve my backache and it was just amazing!! The therapist Marco was great !!

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Luiza Sato Vila Mariana

Principal referência em massagens do país, a Luiza Sato Vila Mariana oferece diversas técnicas, como shiatsu, ashiatsu, reflexologia, massagem relaxante, drenagem linfática, entre muitas outras.

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(11) 5083-5413

We live here

Rua Pelotas, 388 São Paulo, Brazil CEP 04012-001, São Paulo, CEP 04012-001




Luiza Sato Vila Mariana is ranked 3 out of 13 in the category

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