Madinah Driving School Reviews

Madinah Driving School
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35 reviews on Trustmeter

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Consumer Complaints and Reviews

21st Dec 2023
I am very happy and pleased to say that I have cleared my driving test in first attempt under Mr. Tan (Madina driving) guidance. I was so frustrated in car driving as I have failed couple of times before and I have met my instructor Mr. Tan at this point of time. He was so friendly and gave me the continuous encouragement and support. He taught me the rules in a very practical way and some of the driving slogans which he introduced helped me to put them in practice while driving. He really helped me to improve my planning and driving skills in a much better way. He was excellent in identifying the mistakes and gave me tips for correcting them in a short period of time. He took me to lot many places in order to make sure am familiar with all the test routes . It was a big relief for me and he taught me to be a responsible driver in every manner. Thank you so much for all your guidance throughout the learning process. I would highly recommend and suggest tan (Madina driving)to all my fellow friends and to others who are in need of lessons. Thank you !!!
23rd Aug 2020
Thank you madinah driving school for the good support given to me to pass my practical driving test first time no fault. I can vouch for this driving school any where in uk that they are the best driving school I have ever seen. Thank you and ***** bless. Keep it up!!
3rd Aug 2020
Hi thanks to madinah i passed my driving test i would definetly recommend
19th Jun 2020
Great school thanks for helping me
26th Apr 2020
Thanks to madinah i passed my driving test 1st time thank you so nuch
18th Mar 2020
Great driving school helped me allot also the best thing was i went on the test route before my test and it made me feel so much at ease thank you faisal your doing a great job
16th Mar 2020
Passed my driving test with fasial 1st time great instructor helped me allot through my driving as i was dislexia very patient will highly recomend this driving school
5th Mar 2020
The very best instructor faisal that keeps pushing till you get your desired goal. Never money conscious as everything with him is client centered. Looking for that PASS CERT then you need not look any further as Madinah is the best teacher
5th Mar 2020
Great instructor passed first time thanks to faisal thanks bro highly recomend
4th Mar 2020
Thank you for your help faisal you was a great help and got the pass for me i cant thank you enough 👌👌
4th Mar 2020
Hi thank you yasin for all your support and help highly reccomend this driving school
4th Mar 2020
Thanks faisal for helping me pass first time with 2 minors thank you
3rd Mar 2020
Thanks fez for helping me pass my test today 1st time thanks for all the help
3rd Mar 2020
Madinah Driving School reported this review for breach of Trustmeter guidlines. We are currently assessing the review in accordance with our reporting processes.
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1st Mar 2020
Thank you madinah helping me pass and making my dreams come true thank you
29th Feb 2020
Thanks for all your help on passing ne
29th Feb 2020
Madinah is your pick for an instructor in rotherham
29th Feb 2020
Great driving school and dont mess you around get you passed quick thanks faz
28th Feb 2020
Thanks farzana for helping me pass
28th Feb 2020
Thanks yasin for all your help appericate it and made me pass first time thanks brother!!
27th Feb 2020
Great school get yourself booked
27th Feb 2020
27th Feb 2020
Thanks Faisal for passing me I’m so happy carry on the good work
27th Feb 2020
Great instructors thanks for a good lesson look foward to passing soon
26th Feb 2020
Madinah Driving School reported this review for breach of Trustmeter guidlines. We are currently assessing the review in accordance with our reporting processes.
Reason for reporting
The review refers to other websites or companies
Reply from Madinah Driving School
Sorry we dont hold any records of you on our system you have got the wromg driving school
23rd Feb 2020
Honestly the best driving instructor out there, really professional but also really friendly. Helped build my confidence a lot and really prepared me for my driving test! Would recommend to everyone!! Especially if your just beginning your driving lessons.
21st Feb 2020
Thank you for passing me fez
15th Jan 2020
I am very pleased with my instructor Yasin, he was very patient with me, never screamed at me or made me feel uncomfortable. He is not interested in doing so many lessons as long as he assesses that you are good. He made me feel confident and i passed my test with only 3 minors.
8th Jan 2020
Hi great instructor I passed my manual driving test with just 1 minor fault thank you
31st Dec 2019
Great instructor. Leah xx
1st Nov 2019
Great school passed with 15hrs see me on their Instagram page 😀
1st Nov 2019
Learnt how to drive automatic driving school started with m a driving which the instructor was really bad came to madinah and they made me confidence on the road and got me pass can’t thank them enough may ***** bless you madinah
1st Nov 2019
29th Aug 2019
Booked a driving lesson with Madinah Driving School what a waste of time young guy turns up starts shouting he is on the phone constantly was struggling with my roundabouts and just kept shouting if you can’t teach don’t do the job after 30mins paid him and ran never again using them!
4th May 2017
I started an automatic lesson with one of their female instructor, and in between she left for a vacation for a couple of weeks then when she come back, she stop giving me any lesson, she even didn't answer my text or call, now i have no idea what to do.

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