Mobile Cash Mate Reviews

Mobile Cash Mate
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3 reviews on Trustmeter

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Consumer Complaints and Reviews

25th Feb 2018
DO NOT USE THIS COMPANY! I sent them my iPhone 6S as they offered the best price I could find (£160) for the phone in perfect condition - which it was. When I eventually heard back from them, they said that the Sim tray was missing (which it was NOT when I sent it to them) and therefore they could only offer £16.81! I asked for the phone back and - surprise, surprise - when it arrived - no Sim Tray. I bought another Sim tray off Amazon for £1.97, put it in the phone and took it into Carphone Warehouse where they gave me a very good price for it. Lesson learned!
28th Apr 2017
This one doesn't bring results. Prices are high.
10th Apr 2017
Super products, good price

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Mobile Cash Mate

Recycle old mobile phone handsets and sell old mobile phones with Mobile Cash Mate, it's quick, simple and we pay you cash - Sell Mobile Phones - Recycle your mobile for cash at MCM

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87 Bracbridge Street, Newtown, Birmingham, B6 4PJ, Birmingham, B6 4PJ


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Mobile Cash Mate is ranked 4 out of 12 in the category

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