Ocean Breeze Recovery Reviews

Ocean Breeze Recovery
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Consumer Complaints and Reviews

30th May 2017
I’m throwing in the towel on this service. I tried to let little things slide, and tried to focus on the plus side of things, but they just aren’t willing to provide a reasonable amount of customer service. This lack of attention and respect has led me to just go with someone else. They’ve lost me as a client for good.

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Ocean Breeze Recovery

Addiction treatment begins with a mindset. By helping you battle the thoughts and behaviors that lead to addiction, we can help you find a new life in sobriety. Learn how we raise the standard for treatment at Ocean Breeze Recovery.

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2413 E. Atlantic Blvd., Pompano Beach, FL 33062, Pompano Beach, FL, 33062


United States


Ocean Breeze Recovery is ranked 38 out of 58 in the category

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