Queena Belle Reviews

Queena Belle
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Consumer Complaints and Reviews

8th Jun 2017
No one order a dress from here. Really bad quality and awful customer service. I ordered my dress for ROA in the colour burgundy and had it custom made to my exact size. When it arrived it was bright red and awful quality, the fit is completely wrong and doesn't match the measurements I said I was. The seam is completely off and it gapes at the sides. When I emailed the company with pictures they were unhelpful and won't allow me to return the dress. I've now wasted money and I will have to waste even more on getting it altered to fit me! Worst company ever, do not recommend.

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Queena Belle

QueenaBelle UK is an online store selling Cheap Prom Dresses, Evening Gowns, Wedding Dresses and other dresses for special occasions. All 2019 new styles can be customized freely. Usually you can receive the dresses in around 12-23 days. Best service for UK & Ireland Customers.

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34 Market Street, Hyde , Cheshire, SK14 1AH, Hyde, Cheshire, SK14 1AH


United Kingdom


Queena Belle is ranked 127 out of 138 in the category

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