Quickjewels Reviews

Very Good
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Consumer Complaints and Reviews

10th Jun 2019
My friends and I like to compare jewelry from various companies. When we bought from this company we all agreed that it had significant potential and we looked forward to buying from here again.
10th Jun 2019
The delivery person was extremely rude! He came to my door, rang the doorbell, and complained that I hadn't shoveled my walk yet. Mind you, this was in the middle of a blizzard - no one had shoveled their sidewalks or driveways yet!
10th Jun 2019
In my experience I believe their customer service speaks volumes about their quality. They are very good. I have spoken with their customer service various times and it is always a pleasure to be attended to by them.

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Quickjewels is ranked 30 out of 83 in the category

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