Red Box Books Reviews

Red Box Books
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Consumer Complaints and Reviews

28th Apr 2017
Wishing I could work with you again much sooner!
10th Apr 2017
Red Box Books reported this review for breach of Trustmeter guidlines. We are currently assessing the review in accordance with our reporting processes.
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Red Box Books

We are one of the UK's leading suppliers of primary school educational books and software. We specialise in teacher resource books. We are the accredited distributors for Usborne books, Scholastic, Rising Stars, A&C Black, Raintree, Collins Education, Oxford University Press, Featherstone and Barrington Stoke. We offer all the products from these leading educational publishers. All the products are available to primary schools on approval. We offer great discounts for primary schools and teachers. We offer a level of customer service that is unsurpassed in the online shopping community. We tailor the service to the individual needs of each customer.

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24 Mersey Road, Heaton Mersey, Stockport, Cheshire, SK4 3DE, Stockport, SK43DE


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Red Box Books is ranked 28 out of 50 in the category

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