Savers Reviews

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Consumer Complaints and Reviews

15th Apr 2017
I have donated at Savers Manchester, CT USA for years. Saturday morning is a common donation time. This morning there were many employees, but no service for donations. Four female employees sat at a table outside eating and smoking. Two male employees sat on the guardrail smoking. No one responded to the bell at the side donation door. A truck with a sofa donation received no service either. I then carried my donations into the store. The greeter at the front door was eating a small bag a chip and balancing a cup. I asked if I could make a donation and have a stamp card (which I give to my elderly mother). I was directed to the first register. The only register open had a few people in line. I waited toward the side as I have in years past. This lasted a few minutes without assistance. The chip employee and another coworker stood near that end cap of the register where I waited and did not offer assistance. I finally asked the only cashier if I should wait in the payout line to make a donation. She assisted me finally after ringing out her current customer. I waited and saw this cashier cash out three customer. The number of customers would have made a second register opening feasible. More supervision is required. It appeared the majority of employees were on break after the store was only opened for one hour. The situation was rare, but all employees except the cashier were not helpful, even when help was requested. It would have looked better to not have so many non working employees in the public view at the same time. Perhaps security cameras can verify the incident.
10th Apr 2017
Good customer service and great variety of products.

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Savers is mainly design and produce fashion clothing for women online store.Free shipping Worldwide No Ninimum Order!

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Savers Health & Beauty, Unit 1 Prologis Park, Arenson Way; LU5 4RZ , Dunstable, LU5 4RZ


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Savers is ranked 33 out of 52 in the category Beauty and Wellness

Savers is ranked 20 out of 41 in the category

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