Solidor Ltd Reviews

Solidor Ltd
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Consumer Complaints and Reviews

9th May 2017
New front door fitted 7/04/17 by the company they recommend.I liked the Solidor I handpicked out on your website. My complaint is the kite marking on every 12 small windows it looks like a bird muck mark on every 12 glass units. My Wife and I hate it. Have spoken to Solidor but with no solution. Not seen this on any of doors on the web or on house doors in my area. Kite marks has been cheaply etched on and could of been black printed like car windows. Would of look so much better. SHAME !!!.I invite the CEO to see what he thinks.See if he is happy because I'm not. Great Door with horrible looking glass.
Cheap looking kite marking on glass

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Solidor Ltd

Composite Doors from Solidor are the UK's finest range of solid timber-core composite doors with unrivalled security, colour options and energy efficiency.

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Solidor Ltd is ranked 17 out of 32 in the category Doors and Windows

Solidor Ltd is ranked 32 out of 52 in the category

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