Stone & Building Ltd Reviews

Stone & Building Ltd
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Consumer Complaints and Reviews

19th May 2017
We had our entire kitchen outfitted with a nice Bordeaux river granite color. It’s so earthy, clean looking, and shiny! Love their selection and service. You will not be disappointed with Stone & Building at all!
Great Place to Buy a Granite Kitchen

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Stone & Building Ltd

⬤ Stone&Building, one of the best stone company in the UK ⬤ supplying granite worktops, quartz worktops, marble vanity tops and many more across the UK. ⬤ Our company specializes in granite and composite kitchen worktops, marble vanity tops, bespoke marble shower trays, bath panels, from top producers: Caesarstone, Arenastone, Luna Stone, Silestone, Quartzforms, Compac, NeoLith Cimestone.

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0774 746 2198

We live here

Unit 10, Luton Enterprise Park, Sundon Park Road, LU3 3GU, Luton, LU3 3GU


United Kingdom


Stone & Building Ltd is ranked 2 out of 4 in the category

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