The Paving Company Reviews

The Paving Company
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Consumer Complaints and Reviews

10th Nov 2023
I fully recommend Tony at the paving company, he was brilliant to say the least through the whole job from start to finish, my driveway now looks amazing, thank you
21st May 2017
I had them do our drive and I had 4 quotes, they were the cheapest and the most professional. my drive is better than I expected and I'm a very happy customer - Harry in Ely
happy customer

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The Paving Company

Prices/quotes of Block Paving Driveways Patios installed local to Northamptonshire Leicestershire Cambridgeshire and all surrounding towns & villages.

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07522 339 872

We live here

14a Gartree lane Leicester LE1 5EA, Leicester , LE1 5EA


United Kingdom


The Paving Company is ranked 7 out of 39 in the category

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