Tops Pizza Reviews

Tops Pizza
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Consumer Complaints and Reviews

17th Apr 2017
I ordered few weeks ago and it comes different stuff I tried to call them but they didn't pick up so I callled hungry house and they told me next time I will have discount... never get it. I ordered again this time was my fault but I tried to contacted them more then 7 times no one pick up so I dicided to not a pick up food.!! Sorry not paying anymore for what I didn't order!

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Tops Pizza

Tops Pizza is a British pizza takeaway chain, with 39 stores in London and the south-east of the UK

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020 8226 2060

We live here

11 Bethune Road ; Park Royal ; NW10 6NJ, London, NW10 6NJ


United Kingdom


Tops Pizza is ranked 19 out of 30 in the category

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