Terra Madre Rstaurant Alberobello Reviews

Terra Madre Rstaurant Alberobello
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1 review on Trustmeter

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Consumer Complaints and Reviews

1st Jun 2017
This is a wonderful restaurant for those who care about what they eat...hopefully all of us! Everything is organically grown and sourced from either their own produce or from local farmers. It is for those who are vegetarians and those who are not quite there yet! There are a few meat options for carnevours but the pride of place are all the wonderful and incredibly varied vegetarian entree dishes that are simply superb! Add to that, the wine that is sourced directly from the grower, without any preservatives ( no sulphur) and you will taste wine that is totally different from any other! A must for anyone staying in Alberobello.

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Terra Madre Rstaurant Alberobello

Trattoria Terra Madre C’era una volta un sogno, e in questo sogno l’uomo e la terra ritrovavano la loro antica amicizia. Il concetto è semplice. Seminare, curare e raccogliere utilizzando il compost da noi stessi prodotto, con l'albergo diffuso con Trulli

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Piazza Sacramento, 17, 70011 Alberobello BA, Alberobello BA, 70011




Terra Madre Rstaurant Alberobello is ranked 7 out of 79 in the category

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