Vodacom Shop and Repair Centre Cresta Reviews

Vodacom Shop and Repair Centre Cresta
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2 reviews on Trustmeter

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Consumer Complaints and Reviews

6th Jun 2017
I had an out of box failure for my Iphone 7 32gig. There as been very poor communication on when I would receive feedback and on top of that everytime I am at the Vodashop Cresta they feed me lies and say that the phone went to their repairs and they should receive it back soon. On 4 June 2017 I went in to ask whether the phone had gone in to repairs and when it should be received back. Toni Jacobs assured me the phone had gone in I she will phone me 5 June 2017, this never happened. I phoned vodashop Cresta 6 June 2017 and another gentleman said that they should receive the phone 6 June 2017. On 6 June 2017, I phoned them again, and yet another lady assisted me, and she told me that the phone was never sent in to repairs and that they will only do in now. Which means I have to wait for another 7 days. All of this, but I still have to pay for the phone. A phone that I do not have. The manager also did not respond to my request to speak to him. Very very poor service.
6th Jun 2017
the area where the DB was to placed was not large enough. we decided to place theDB above the old DB. this was successfully done. john then checked all sockets and switches to my great satisfaction. job well done

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Vodacom Shop and Repair Centre Cresta is ranked 3 out of 14 in the category Cellular Network Provider

Vodacom Shop and Repair Centre Cresta is ranked 3 out of 18 in the category

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