Wey Group International Reviews

Wey Group International
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Consumer Complaints and Reviews

10th Nov 2018
Not only did my order come within days of ordering, but when it arrived the driver called and as I was not in, offered to place my delivery in a safe place of my request and even offered to retrieve the wheelie bin from the road and put it on my drive out of the way. The drive was polite and extremely kind and helpful. Nothing was too much trouble; that is service, which is lacking in some many companies today .

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+44 (0)1932 345345.

We live here

Premier House, Unit 1c, 111 Chertsey Road, Byfleet, Surrey. KT14 7AX, Byfleet, Surrey, KT14 7AX


United Kingdom


Wey Group International is ranked 3 out of 21 in the category

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