Wonder Booth Reviews

Wonder Booth
Very Good
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1 review on Trustmeter

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Consumer Complaints and Reviews

30th Mar 2017
I needed someone, I made a cold call. The individual who took my call seemed responsive and cordial. I felt at ease, and proceeded to make inquiries, to which they were more than happy to do for me. Long story short, service was impeccable and the staff behaved in a professional and satisfactory manner. I am truly happy with the results.

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Wonder Booth

Wonderbooth is a photo booth hire company, supplying portable photo booths to the consumer and corporate markets.
Our booths add fun at weddings, birthday parties, charity balls and school proms, in fact any event where there is a need for something a little different!

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Contact information

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Call us on

07802 310706

We live here

Mountbatten House, Fairacres Industrial Estate, Dedworth Road; SL4 4LE, Windsor, SL4 4LE


United Kingdom


Wonder Booth is ranked 1 out of 10 in the category

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