4th Jun 2019
Review about Team RH fitness
I joined Team RH a while back now. Cant exactly remember when and its increased in popularity and members real quick, in the short time its been. Lots of money put into an app that is good. I've yet to hit all the stars in one day. Honestly I dont religiously follow it. I have poor mental health, a job as a carer and three children under the age of 10 so getting to a gym is mostly cancelled due to exhaustion. That being said when I'm good and tracking, I lose weight. The drinking of water means I get my steps as I'm always running to the loo HAHA. I honestly think if I could be away from work, kids and my depression for a few months I would absolutely smash the weight loss. Richie is a character! Some think hes arrogant and rude, but I like the no bull ***** line. He will tell you where you need to be, what you need to do. I describe him to my friends as a good radgie. Give it a go it's a few quid a month and see if it does anything for you.