5th Feb 2022
Review about Team RH fitness
I wish I’d properly researched this shower of bullying con artists first as this is most definitely a SCAM in disguise. The advertising is very misleading, their terms of service say you get ‘structured nutritional plans which are personalised to your goals’ and ‘tailored exercise programs‘. What you actually get is a generic algorithm which gives you daily cal/macro intake and you get asked how many steps you’ll manage to walk in a day. Yes, this is what you are paying them £6.99/month for! The expectation is you figure it all out for yourself and log it on My Fitness Pal which is a globally available free app. You don’t realise you’ve been conned until after you download their app and then they say you have waived your right to cancel under 14 day cooling off period. I tried to cancel within a couple of hours, but they point blank refuse and it’s quite literally tough luck we are taking your money. I provided them with the requested personal medical files to show I had covid and wasn’t in a fit state to sign up for anything let alone study umpteen pages of terms & conditions - I also took 2 lateral flows, both positive, signed and dated a piece of paper just to show I was still positive. Not an ounce of empathy or the slightest offer of festive cheer or goodwill, instead they offered to delay the start date. They’ve blocked me on Social Media, access to which is part of the paid service - they’ve broken their own terms. However they would rather claim I broke the rules, because I dared challenge their non existent personalised plan, they really didn’t like that. They meticulously manipulate all social media content to remove anything negative. But just look at what they post, the derogatory language they use, the bullying and shaming of members, that is meant to be acceptable? They have a complete lack of willingness to accept their advertising and terms of service is misleading. Try asking to see any of the coaches qualifications - that request will be met with radio silence as they aren’t qualified nutritionists or PT’s! I have asked why - when clearly this is not the plan I expected or was advertised, I have not downloaded any content, I have followed their cancellation process to the letter, they have blocked access to the community and my email - why would they want me as a client if this relationship is already deteriorated to this extent - the answer is because of their sheer desperation to get £6.99 a month. They think it’s acceptable to take money and not provide any service - how many others has this actually happened too - I suspect a lot! If there is anyone else out there that has had the same issue, please provide feedback on here, Trust Pilot, Google and report this company to Trading Standards. The more of us who do, hopefully we’ll save others being scammed. Citizens Advice suggested I cancel under Consumer Protection (Amendment) Regulations 2014, as they do not provide the service advertised, therefore misleading, which I have done, so let’s see what happens next! More importantly, if you sign up and realise it was a huge mistake, please remember that this is not a financial contract so they cannot threaten you with debt collectors or impacting your credit score. Cancel your direct debit, they can’t do a thing about it, apart form send some bullying emails. All talk no action this lot. Finally go and check them out on Tattle Life - best Internet rabbit hole I fell down, the group on that thread give the full truth and will provide any support required if you aren’t feeling brave enough to cancel your contract.