
United States

Review about Hawasli Center
Acne is an inflammatory skin condition characterized as clogged pores, blackheads, and pimples. The oil glands (sebaceous gland) release oily material known as sebum that lubricates hair and skin. When the glands generate too much oily substance that combines with dead skin cells, the follicles become blocked and inflamed. Without proper treatment, the inflammation can flare up into the deeper level of our skin, the dermis. Acne is most familiar in youth. In grown-ups, acne persists longer in women, but men are more expected to have more severe cases. Although acne is not a dangerous health threat, severe acne can be distressing and may cause permanent scarring. Inflammation Exacerbates Acne And Causes Acne Scars Acne has been linked to inflammation of hair follicles and sebaceous glands. Other causes such as enhanced sebum secretion, follicular hyper keratinization (the process in which cells from beneath the skin are changed to hair and nails), attack of acne bacteria can also initiates acne.