Amy Garf

United States

Review about Vyvanse
I started taking 30mg of Vyvanse everyday about 3 weeks ago. I actually started taking it to increase productivity and to decrease anxiety. I have ADD/ADHD and I also have a panic disorder and depression. After years of trying all types of different antidepressants and anxiety medication, this new medication is my answer! I take it everyday at about 6-7AM and I feel so much happier and motivated throughout the day. But I must say I wasn't sure about it my first couple of days. The first day was amazing. Second day was filled with nausea, frequent visits to the restroom, and an accelerated heart beat. This lasted for a few days. But after the first week, it was all worth it. This is a powerful medication and my body needed to adjust. If you have a night out on the town that includes lots of alcohol, I would recommend not taking it the next day. Vyvanse forces your body to fire on all cylinders and when you are hungover, it sends your body into a confusion. It will make you very nervous and jittery all day. Do not take it passed 9-10AM because you will not be able to sleep that that night. While taking Vyvanse, you won't have much of an appetite. I have to remind myself to eat. You will have an accelerated heart rate while taking it. This is normal. My resting heart beat is about 102bpm and I'm 22, female, 5'7, weighing 150lbs. I hope this information has been helpful for those of you who are considering taking this medication!