Acacia Cottages Reviews

Acacia Cottages
from 0 to 10
1 review on Trustmeter

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Consumer Complaints and Reviews

9th May 2017
I feel I must share my experience with this company, in order to inform those who may use them for their needs. The entire experience cost me both valuable time and money. My only redress in the difficulties I had incurred is to alert others so they do not fall victim to this company. I have since complained to this company with a list of questions regarding the service which they neglected to provide. I have not received an answer. Would not Recommend.

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0800 234 6039

We live here

Bell Lane, Dairy Way, Chew Stoke BS40 8EA, Bristol, BS40 8EA


United Kingdom


Acacia Cottages is ranked 12 out of 12 in the category Cottages

Acacia Cottages is ranked 159 out of 165 in the category

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