AWD-IT Reviews

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Consumer Complaints and Reviews

5th May 2017
I am really happy that I found those guys! They offer the newest pieces of equipment on a very competitive prices. Due to them I am able to follow up with any news regarding any newly released components. What is even sweeter is that they regularly organize giveaways with awesome prizes. Bonus points for their customer support. I've contacted them twice already and all my questions have been answered. Definitely a website that's worth the attention and bookmark :)

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AWD IT have provided innovative IT solutions for over 10 years and team draw on a 50 year collective experience in the field of Computer Specialists – Shop Now

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Unit 5 Festival Trade park; ST1 5NP, Stoke-on-Trent, ST1 5NP


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AWD-IT is ranked 8 out of 149 in the category Computer Accessories

AWD-IT is ranked 2 out of 19 in the category

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