Casey Chiropractic Reviews

Casey Chiropractic
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Consumer Complaints and Reviews

14th May 2017
I cannot say enough about Dr. Casey and his staff. As a person who has worked in the medical field, and has dealt with numerous places personally, I would like to recommend and commend Dr. Casey of Casey chiropractic in Colchester CT. He is warm, sincere, and his business is smooth flowing and inviting. I have had mostly bad experiences with medical dwellings, and had pretty much given up on seeking help due to being brushed off, treated unfairly \ rude, and doctors just not helping me at all. I was feeling hopeless until my friend that works there told me to come in. I reluctantly did, and could not be happier that I was pointed into this direction! Do yourself a favor if you struggle with neck or back pain, make an appointment immediately! Thank you Dr Casey and staff, for restoring my faith that some do in fact care.

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Casey Chiropractic

Colchester Chiropractor, 06415 | Casey Chiropractic provides chiropractic care in Colchester for headaches, back pain, neck pain, and other conditions.

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(860) 537-2202

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16 Wall Street Colchester, CT 06415, Colchester, CT 06415


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Casey Chiropractic is ranked 4 out of 9 in the category

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