Cougar Extreme Reviews

Cougar Extreme
from 0 to 10
2 reviews on Trustmeter

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Consumer Complaints and Reviews

26th Apr 2017
The best help! Thank you!
5th Apr 2017
Satisfied with the service, the personnel and the overall experience.

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Cougar Extreme

Custom built systems including Desktop Gaming PCs, Gaming Notebooks, and Workstations. Award winning gaming desktop and laptop with legendary performance.

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0115 9519995

We live here

Cougar House, Church Lane, Bulwell, Nottingham,NG6 9AD, Nottingham, NG6 9AD


United Kingdom


Cougar Extreme is ranked 7 out of 149 in the category Computer Accessories

Cougar Extreme is ranked 1 out of 19 in the category

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