Discount Mobility Reviews

Discount Mobility
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1 review on Trustmeter

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Consumer Complaints and Reviews

16th May 2017
Apparently this company feels like we have nothing better to do then to sit on the phone for hours trying to fix a problem. I called this company several times to settle a billing issue. It took me a total of two hours on separate days to get my billing issue resolved. I do not understand why it is so hard for people to do their jobs right the first time and make everyone's life easier. Customers do not matter?

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Discount Mobility

Discount Mobility price promise offers great prices or finance deals on everything from mobility scooters, electric wheelchairs to Rise and Recline Chairs.

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01245 905144

We live here

7 Kings Arcade Lancaster LA1 1LE, Lancaster, LA1 1LE


United Kingdom


Discount Mobility is ranked 4 out of 4 in the category

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